
We live in a food my first thought was...”How will our neighbors eat?”

A pressing challenge that we face everyday, not just in the midst of COVID-19, however, it has only exacerbated our food insecurity.

I posed this question on Facebook, and my friend, Randall, from Best of Proviso NP, commented stating that he was planning something. I immediately told him that I was in, and even offered up the firehouse should we need a location.

Well, on Thursday we hosted a food drop off, where we received 180 frozen meals from HOJO , where we organized and hand delivered the dinners to those most in need.

Then on Saturday, we received another donation from HOJO, who dropped off 10,000 pounds of food along with other donations from PP4H, and more. We met at God’s Heritage Church’s parking lot to disperse bags of food for our most vulnerable. Cars were lined up before we were even open, and before we knew it we were out of food. The need is great so we are planning and strategizing on what else we can do to support our local restaurants, and our most vulnerable. Between the pickups, deliveries, and 150 bags of food that was prepared for the elderly, we are estimating that 250 families were served.

I’m so grateful to have been a part of this movement with other organizers, churches, and non profits...and of course our volunteers and donors too! I’ll keep you informed as we continue to plan and strategize for the next food drive up, and more!