mentorship program

Creating A Brand | Part 5

During our second to last Saturday of mentorship, each group gathered together to add last-minute details to their websites. All of our mentees have been working so hard to get their websites completed before mentorship wraps up. Jordynne and Cameron took a trip outside to get some needed headshots of Jordynne for her website, as well as adding some photos to Cameron's portfolio. They’re both in the process of creating their own photography businesses.

Inside, our other Mentees got feedback from their partners on how their websites looked and if they were missing anything. Jasmine and Jocelyn, a current mentee, took time to work on a branding project that TFD was hired to complete. They used canva to create graphics, brand boards, and used Squarespace to add to their designs. It was amazing to see Jocelyn put her new skills into practice and to help complete this project.

Photo Credit: Mariah

All Things Editing, Safe Spaces, And Intro To Graphic Design!

Photo Credit: @mariah_julianna_

Not only is photography difficult, but the editing process is a lot harder! During the first day of week 4 in mentorship, our mentees wrapped up the learning process of editing, partook in a safe space dialogue, and began the intro to graphic design! It is so awesome to see all that our mentees have learned in the past few weeks. We are eager for what is to come in week five!

Photo credit: @mariah_julianna_

A Trip To ReUse Depot

Don’t you just hate how building supplies get tossed into landfills? ReUse Depot prevents this from happening. We recently visited ReUse Depot once again for our mentees to practice their photography skills! It was amazing to see our mentees put all that they have learned about photography to use, as well as meeting the store cats! We also learned about Maywood’s original Firetruck. The Firetruck pictured above was a World War II Firetruck that was donated to Maywood. This means that at some point between 1943-1980’s this Firetruck was in our Firehouse! We love learning about the history of our community, especially about our Firehouse. We can’t wait to visit again!

Photo credit: @mariah_julianna_

Day 2 Of Learning Photography

Learning photography is like learning a new language. It takes more than one day to complete. On day 2 of learning photography, our mentees went over what they had previously learned. We took a trip outside…while it was drizzling, but a little rain won’t stop us! Each group of 2 got to take a few photos that showed motion and freezing time. It was amazing to see our mentees put all the things they learned to use!

Photo Credit: @mariah_julianna_

First Mentorship Of 2022!

Photo Credit: Mariah Frank

3...2...1...It's mentorship day! Today we had our first day of spring mentorship! How exciting?! This day was all things paperwork, technology, and guidelines. During the first half of mentorship, we introduced ourselves and shared some fun facts about each other, then we went over guidelines and expectations for our mentees. We filled out some paperwork, and assigned cameras and laptops! This week’s goal was to establish trust and partnership with our mentees. At the end of the day, our mentees shared an impactful story so we can learn a little bit more about them! We can't wait for our 10 mentees to learn all things photography. Stay tuned through our Instagram (@thefirehousedream) to see more behind the scenes and mentorship days live in action!

Photo Credit : Mariah Frank