field trip

Building Cities | Alt Chicago

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

On Saturday February 12th, our mentees reimagined their communities with Jon from Alt Chicago. The mentees were given three different prompts and building blocks to reimagine and rebuild a new society. They were split in two groups of 5 where they had amazing dialogue about recreating our communities, justice system, and health care system. Each group focused on ways to recreate a better world by providing resources and dismantling the current systems that are in place. When reimagining communities, mentees provided them with equitable and sustainable resources to end food deserts, bring awareness and multiple buildings dedicated to mental health services, and the arts.

Towards the end of our day with Alt Chicago, our mentees sat and shared a meal and constructive dialogue on the issues within BIPOC communities and how Alt Chicago’s mission is to serve as a liaison between communities and opportunities, an ambassador for the neighborhoods they serve and a connector between partners, bringing intentionality to every step in the process.

Our time at Alt Chicago was a a great way to see how our youth can serve as liaison between communities and opportunities. We can’t wait to partner with them again!

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

Alt Chicago

Photo Credit: Jasmine

We did it again! We went on our second field trip with our 10 mentees! This past Saturday we took a trip to the city to learn how to build sustainable waste bins. Also, our mentees learned about reducing waste and having more sustainable options. Did you know that black and brown communities have fewer garbage bins throughout their town than white communities do? Alt Chicago is a black-owned, non-profit led by Jordan and Jon who specialize in building these waste bins out of wood from old pallets, this way everything is being reused and there is less waste. We cannot wait to partner with even more amazing non-profits and organizations like this one! Be sure to follow us on Instagram, @thefirehousedream to see more behind the scenes from our mentorship.

Photo Credit: Jasmine

Peace Garden Cleanup

The Interns put their photography and film skills to the test at Maywood’s Peace Garden, created by Barbra Cole. They captured the hard work of the community as they worked to restore the Peace Garden for summer. The Interns also tracked the progress of a potential mural collaboration with the Firehouse! Thank you Ms. Cole for the invitation!

Thank you Mariah, our Intern, for taking these magnificent pictures!



We had so much fun at our pottery field trip! We were able to bring a group of 8 teens to Gnarware Studio located in Pilsen, in which their staff led us through a pottery workshop. Our teens had so much fun! We look forward to being able to host more field trips in the future!