Creating A Brand | Part 7

Well it's here, our last Wednesday of Spring 2022 Mentorship. Can you believe it?!? One more day together and we are done. To celebrate our last Wednesday we set aside time to add last-minute touches to everyone's websites. Each group got together to edit their logos and update any details on their websites. Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, assisted each group with turning their logos into files so they can have a copy of the digital file after the mentorship. On Saturday, we’ll have all groups present their finishing products.

After everyone finished with those updates, we transitioned into our last photo shoot of Spring 2022 Mentorship. Our mentees have grown throughout our 12 weeks together and it is amazing to show their progress through photos. Today we had many laughs, awkward moments, so much fun, and a little bit of confetti! We cannot wait to share all of the amazing photos we took from today!