support students

Money Healing at PMSA Mental Health Club

We are so excited to continue our programming in the Proviso schools! This week, we were at PMSA. Jasmine Lopez our ED and CEO of Mentally Mutual offered her money healing talk to the students. Many came with great conversation and productive feedback for us! We loved to hear their thoughts on their current ideals of money and how to change them to be more positive and reflective of their own boundaries.

Thank you to the students who came and to Jasmine for sharing her wisdom!

Community Talk: College Hacking

We were so excited to host our second community talk for the month of October. This month, Maya Hill, Executive Assistant at The Firehouse Dream facilities College Hacking. Maya has been able to attend college for low cost and wanted to teach her neighbors her tips and tricks. She talked about her story so far, what is college, and of course the tricks she used to go for low cost. We ended with a Q&A on the importance of educating students on their options besides college and decreasing the stigma against community college!

Thank you, Maya, for sharing your knowledge!

Creating A Brand | Part 7

Well it's here, our last Wednesday of Spring 2022 Mentorship. Can you believe it?!? One more day together and we are done. To celebrate our last Wednesday we set aside time to add last-minute touches to everyone's websites. Each group got together to edit their logos and update any details on their websites. Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, assisted each group with turning their logos into files so they can have a copy of the digital file after the mentorship. On Saturday, we’ll have all groups present their finishing products.

After everyone finished with those updates, we transitioned into our last photo shoot of Spring 2022 Mentorship. Our mentees have grown throughout our 12 weeks together and it is amazing to show their progress through photos. Today we had many laughs, awkward moments, so much fun, and a little bit of confetti! We cannot wait to share all of the amazing photos we took from today!

D209 Student Walk-out

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Our D209 teachers have been working without contract and after many failed attempts in reaching an agreement with the PTU, our D209 teachers have put in a strike date for Friday, Feb 18th. After our monthly school board meeting yesterday, our students felt ignored when sharing their concerns, so today they decided to do a walk-out in support of their teachers advocating for a fair contract and to see a change with their schools.

Each school’s walk out looked differently. We weren’t able to make it to East’s today but we did make it to PMSA’s. After chatting with several PMSA students it came out that they were hoping to make their presence known on the 5th floor. However, they were met with locked doors and security. So instead they opted to walkout of the school, to then again be met with locked doors. Someone ended up pulling a fire alarm, forcing everyone in the building to exit. It was an opportunity for the students to showcase their love and support for their teachers.

As an organization we fully support our youth and the ways they choose to have their voices amplified. We don’t sit on any side, but any opportunity that allows for our students voices centered we are for.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose & Jasmine