mental health resources

Identity Collage Workshop

Last week, Yeskseny of Leyden Family Services led another workshop on Art Therapy. In this session, the participants were introduced to the idea of showing their personality through collages. Yekseny provided stickers, paper, and magazines, and the participants were free to use them to represent their personalities. We enjoyed community conversation while getting to know each other through art therapy.

Thanks, Yekseny and participants, for an amazing workshop!

PMSA Mental Health Club | Somatic Movement

The team visited PMSA’s mental health club last week with Dahlia of Liberated Learning to lead a somatics movement with the students! The students were able to learn how to be in tune with their bodies and feel better with breathing and movement. Dahlia lead the students through multiple poses and helped the students learn what their bodies need for a mood boost. Thank you Dahlia for partnering with TFD and PMSA’s Mental Health Club!

We are so grateful for the participants who keep showing up for mental health club.

PMSA Mental Health Club | Grief and Memory Jars

TFD is back at the PMSA Mental Health Club with the HAP Foundation to lead a two-part workshop on grief. The students first learned what grief means and the cycle of grief. Grief is not a linear process and often is more like a cycle that can experience moving in different directions. We think students should understand that grief can be unique to the person. The session ended with some impactful conversations with some important questions from the students

In the second workshop, the students created memory jars. On the outside, the jar is decorated in remembrance of the individual important to the student. On the inside are little notes of memories the student has with the individual. This way, they can open the jar and be reminded of their loved one!

Thank you to the HAP Foundation for the workshop and the creative jars!

Proviso East Calm Room

Liz, our Program Assistant at TFD, visited Proviso East High School’s Calm Room to put together an activity for the students. Loyola Medicine designed the Calm Room for students to visit during lunchtime as an alternative. Here, students can have an intentionally safe place.

This week, Liz brought painting supplies designed by Dana of I Paint on Purpose for the students to get creative!

Community Yoga

We hosted community yoga last week for the first time this fall semester. Dasia, proviso resident and yoga instructor, led the participants through a relaxing night flow. The group ended off with some balance poses and light meditation. Join our next Community Yoga October 30th by registering with this link!