maywood community

Photography at Quinn Center

As our fiscal year comes to a close this weekend, June 28th, we would love to share the photos the youth have taken at the Quinn Center. For two years now, we have partnered our youth interested in photography with the Quinn Center to take pictures at the event. This way, photographers gain more event photography experience all while working within their community. Our youth were at Quinn’s Christmas event, Turkey Giveaway, Senior celebrations, and more! Thank you to the Quinn Center for always considering our youth to capture meaningful events. Click through the gallery below for more pictures!

Community Yoga | March 4th

Hey friends! Last Saturday we held our first yoga session for our community. We had mentees and community members join us for beginner yoga with Kathy Khang. Our intention for yoga for the community is to provide a safe space to stretch and relax your body, but also to just take a break and let that long sigh out. Kathy first led us through a couple of basic stretches and then went into a sequence of movements that helped with getting in touch with our body. After, we slowed down and went into self-reflecting poses.

Of course, thank you Kathy for leading us through a great first community yoga session. Our next yoga event will be Saturday, April 1st, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We look forward to seeing you there!

Group Therapy | Session 1

On Saturday morning, TFD in partnership with Yo Soy Ella, hosted group therapy. Sarah, our host and Founder of Yo Soy Ella, discussed what worth means to our participants. Sarah first led the group through check-in to start our conversation off. Sarah told us she likes to open up the session first with check-ins because sometimes we need to talk without a plan while Sarah is here to listen and ask questions. When the discussion of worth began, Sarah asked what does worth mean and how have you been able to exercise self-worth.

Thank you so much to Sarah and Yo Soy Ella for hosting a wonderful session. We look forward to our next session Wednesday, January 25 at 10:00 AM. Sign up here for our next session!

The Art Of Therapy | Dana Harris

Photo Credit: Amie

This past Saturday, Dana from Paint on Purpose came back to TFD! Dana teaches art to people of all ages. She finds joy in guiding others through something so therapeutic. As we move through Mental Health Awareness Month, we have seen community members arrive excited to learn new things and find a moment of peace in their busy lives. A few members joined us on Saturday to relax with some smooth jazz music in the essential oil-filled air while painting. Dana guided them through painting beautiful cherry blossoms, which signify change in the seasons of our lives. Everyone enjoyed the peaceful environment and left with incredible artwork!

You can find more on the work Dana does on her website!

Photo Credit: Amie

Mental Health & Creativity

Today, we welcomed back Sarah, from Yo Soy Ella, to lead a workshop called “Progress Over Perfection”. During this workshop, our mentees had a conversation about how you do not need to be perfect to succeed. Everyone has their ups and downs, but as long as you put your mind to what you want, you will succeed. Our mentees really enjoyed this workshop and the chance you dive deeper into what success means to them. Sarah has now led a total of four workshops with TFD, how amazing!

Our mentees made a transition to the tables to go over illustrator once more! Each group was given a prompt to create a design in Adobe Illustrator and present it at the end. Illustrator has so many unique tools to utilize, but we are taking it one step at a time!

Photos: Mariah