food distribution

Food Distribution | March 2022

Photo Credit: Saffron

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, God’s Heritage Full Gospel, Impact Church, Next Generation, & TFD gather for food distribution for people within the community. We are a coalition of neighboring organizations working together to provide for our community. These distributions are so important for both families and individuals since there are no local grocery stores in the area.

This month makes 2 years since TFD began this partnership! We are thankful that we are able to serve our community and those in need. We hope to see continued growth and partnership.

Photo Credit: Saffron

Coat And Food Distribution | December

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

This morning, Impact Church and God’s Heritage Full Gospel Church in Maywood hosted it’s monthly food distribution! This month’s included coats, gloves, hats, and scarves in addition to all of the food. Every third Saturday of each month, the two churches join forces to make this awesome event possible. It is something special to help out the community and all of the families in Maywood. They also offer prayer for those who choose to be prayed over and everyone is incredibly kind and welcoming. It is an honor for TFD to be there to support and document something like this through photography. To check this out for yourself, you can stop by next month to God’s Heritage Full Gospel Church!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Food Distribution 10/16

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

This past Saturday, Mya, a previous mentee, went to God’s Heritage Full Gospel Church in Maywood for a food distribution event led by Impact Church. They provided bags with hand sanitizer, cereal, bread, cookies and more! Everyone also had the opportunity to be prayed on if they chose to. This was a drive-thru type food drive to promote health and wellness and keep everyone safe. This is something the churches accomplish every third Saturday of each month. It is a great opportunity for people in the community who may need extra assistance or get groceries locally since there are no grocery stores in the area.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose


Today our interns were able to put into practice all that they’ve been learning so far. Photography and social media! Knowing these 2 skills is vital in today’s society…especially when it comes to building one’s brand. Today we partnered with our food coalition to document our monthly food distribution.

I can’t believe today was our one year anniversary since we started this food coalition, and to date we’ve been able to provide over 30k meals to our neighbors. How amazing is that?!?

Check out some behind the scenes of our interns in action:

The gallery below are photos taken by Ross one of our interns. He also edited them in Lightroom. It’s amazing to see all of the growth our interns are already experiencing!