learning photography

Product Photography

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Our mentees have been learning all about photography these last two weeks! This past week we walked our mentees through how to plan a photo shoot, and then on Saturday they put what they learned into action by working in small groups and photographed 3 different brands. We invited Amanda from Amanda Leon Calligraphy and Sandra from Papelitos Lindos to join the fun! TFD also has some exciting new merch that was photographed as well. This was a great learning experience for our mentees and we are so excited to share the amazing photos they took with y’all.

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Learning The Basics | Photography 101

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Week 2 of mentorship has started and we dove right into photography. We talked about the 3 ways to control light through ISO, aperture and shutter. We also talked about, as photographers, how to approach our photoshoots by asking ourselves 3 questions:

  1. What is the story I’m trying to tell?

  2. Where is my best light?

  3. How can I tell that story creatively?

Everyone got accustomed to learning their settings rather quickly. We are excited to dive in deeper over the next 2 weeks. We will be share more as we go on, so be sure to come back soon!

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna