group work

Product Photography

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Our mentees have been learning all about photography these last two weeks! This past week we walked our mentees through how to plan a photo shoot, and then on Saturday they put what they learned into action by working in small groups and photographed 3 different brands. We invited Amanda from Amanda Leon Calligraphy and Sandra from Papelitos Lindos to join the fun! TFD also has some exciting new merch that was photographed as well. This was a great learning experience for our mentees and we are so excited to share the amazing photos they took with y’all.

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Post-Production Video Editing

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Jeremy led another workshop for our mentees on Monday for the post-production of film. Last month our mentees filmed a few Maywood residents to highlight their stories and they are now working on editing the video they took. Jeremy shared advice on different aspects of this process with things like keeping all of your files organized, different editing apps, cutting and pasting parts of video together, and learning where to separate video to have the correct pacing. They all took time to go through piece by piece, checking all camera angles as well as separating the audio from video. A tip Jeremy also shared is to always check your work before delivering to a client. It is important to watch the video from beginning to end to make sure everything was done smoothly and correctly. Our mentees got a great start on their editing and we can’t wait to see the finished product they created!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Branding, Sketches, Mood Boards And More!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

After our Breathwork Workshop, this past Saturday, our mentees began to work more on their own brands. They started to create mood boards and sketch out different designs that will appear within their brand. Some of our mentees are working on businesses such as clothing lines, stickers, baking, and so much more! Those who want to create clothing lines learned about different materials that can be used, how they compare, and different ways of printing photos or words onto a piece of clothing. There are various ways branding can be done, all with a different finish, so this was a great learning experience. Some mentees sketched out different designs for stickers and also planned out some other great content!

There is still so much to be done, like website creation and ordering/making the products that will be featured in these brands. Our mentees have made a lot of progress and we are so proud of how far they have come in this short period of time. We are so excited to see how everything turns out and are here to support our mentees every step of the way!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Independent Projects

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

On Monday, our mentees split up into groups to work on their brands. We have 4 mentees who want to start things like clothing brands, baking businesses, stickers, merch, etc. We even had Dakota from Funny Bunny Stickers come down to explain how she creates her own content on an iPad to help with another group. Everyone made a lot of progress in their business and had a lot of fun interacting with one another to get new ideas! We can’t wait to see where they take their exciting ideas and the awesome businesses they will create!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

The Importance Of Mental Health

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

In today’s workshop led by Sarah from Yo Soy Ella, the mentees discussed mental health and the importance of taking care of yourself. Sarah has joined us a few times in past mentorships to talk through tough times and managing feelings. This was a great chance for everyone to practice communicating these things in a safe space with people they feel comfortable with. It’s always a good thing to have people there to support you and help to guide you through a tough situation.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose