Spoken Word & Mini Photoshoot

To wrap up week 10 our mentees had a conversation about the spoken word, and mental health, and even wrote some of their own poetry! Marquan came in to lead this discussion which began with an introduction, followed by a fun activity where each person suggested a word to write about. After the words were written down, everyone grabbed their sheets of paper and pens to begin writing for 2 minutes. Each person then switched papers with the person to their left. The papers flowed in a circle and every person in the group added to each story.

Marquan played two videos from spoken word artists for our mentees to discuss. Our goal is to always create a safe space for our mentees to share so it was heartwarming to hear them open up about how the videos made them feel.

Our Mentees spent the remainder of the afternoon having a mini photoshoot led by Jasmine, our Co-founder, and ED. We stepped outside to get some cool shots in the beautiful weather. Once the photos were taken, we returned inside to cool off and continue getting all the shots we needed. Each group used their props to stage the products to get the perfect picture. We can’t wait to see how all the photos from the day turn out! It is exciting to see how far each group has come as they wrap up designing their brands.

Photo Credit: Mariah