What Brings You Joy?

Can you believe we’re already on week 11 of mentorship!? It has gone by so fast. We are so grateful for everything our mentees have achieved and learned so far! To start off week 11 Jasmine, our co-founder & ED, led a discussion around the question, ‘What brings you joy?”. The Mentees discussed if they valued experiences over materialistic items. As well as if they preferred eating out or eating in? Jasmine shared the importance of adding experiences and activities that bring joy to your budget. Whatever brings you joy is always in the budget.

To resume our photoshoot from Saturday, our mentees brought in props and equipment to get the rest of the photos that were needed for their websites. Each group had different tasks to complete. Jocelyn and Tracy’s group staged Tracy’s clothes with his paints to get the best photo needed for his website, while Kendall and Jamia got some cool shots of Kendall playing his Nintendo Switch for his brand. It is always great to see our mentees work together as a team while building their businesses.

Photo Credit: Mariah