Creating A Brand | Part 4

Mentorship on Wednesday began with Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, in leading the mentees with an icebreaker. This icebreaker supported our mentees in acknowledging the good and bad parts of their days. Since not everyone has the opportunity to discuss how their days went, we value having conversations like these during our cohort.

Have you ever created your own brand? If you have, you know it is quite a process. We are happy to see all that our mentees have discovered throughout their journey in creating their brands. Amazingly, we can document the whole process through photos. Each group was able to continue working on their websites with finishing touches. Remember when we had a mini photoshoot? Well, the photos came out amazing and are currently being added into each mentees webstie.

It is bitter sweet to be approaching the end of this season’s mentorship. We are so proud of each and every mentee. So far we have 5 mentees in the process of creating their brands consisting of video games, podcasting, custom clothing with paints, and two photography brands! Stay tuned to see the finished products and all the websites created 100% by our mentees.

Photo Credit: Mariah