Creating A Brand | Part 3

Creating a brand is a very lengthy process. Colors, fonts, websites, logos, pictures, products, and so much more all need to be in tip-top-shape to launch your brand. Our mentees have accomplished so much over the past few weeks as they have developed their brands. On Wednesday our Mentees partnered up to continue editing and finalizing their websites.

Jasmine, our Co-founder & Executive Director, and Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, guided our Mentees through designing their websites. After working on designing, we transitioned into photoshoot planning. We want to make sure that our mentees have portfolios and product photos to add to each of their websites.

Planning a photoshoot is an important part of creating your branding and website. Products, models, staging equipment, photography equipment, outfits, hair, and makeup must be planned and each group should be prepared with a short list for their photos. Today we discussed the date, time, and details to ensure that everything will be set up correctly.

Our mentees get the experience of real-world scenarios and knowledge that will be useful for those who are planning to start a photography business. Stay tuned to see how the photo shoot went!

Photo Credit: Mariah