
Creating A Brand | Part 3

Creating a brand is a very lengthy process. Colors, fonts, websites, logos, pictures, products, and so much more all need to be in tip-top-shape to launch your brand. Our mentees have accomplished so much over the past few weeks as they have developed their brands. On Wednesday our Mentees partnered up to continue editing and finalizing their websites.

Jasmine, our Co-founder & Executive Director, and Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, guided our Mentees through designing their websites. After working on designing, we transitioned into photoshoot planning. We want to make sure that our mentees have portfolios and product photos to add to each of their websites.

Planning a photoshoot is an important part of creating your branding and website. Products, models, staging equipment, photography equipment, outfits, hair, and makeup must be planned and each group should be prepared with a short list for their photos. Today we discussed the date, time, and details to ensure that everything will be set up correctly.

Our mentees get the experience of real-world scenarios and knowledge that will be useful for those who are planning to start a photography business. Stay tuned to see how the photo shoot went!

Photo Credit: Mariah

Art Meets Website Design

On Monday we welcomed Heather from Art Cures All to lead a workshop on collage art. Our mentees got to design their collage from magazines, as well as take a sneak peek of Heather’s artwork. Each table was set up with a stack of magazines, a pair of scissors, glue sticks, and finishing glue. It was exciting to see each person flip through pages and pages of magazines to find their favorite designs and photos to add to their collages.

Afterwards, Lu'Cretia, our Creative Project Manager, took over to lead a workshop on website design using Squarespace. We love that we can provide our mentees with this skill set as it will benefit them in the future. Lu'Cretia went over the basics of designing a website, what goes into designing one, and showed some amazing examples from some of our past mentees…Amanda Leon Calligraphy and Makeup By Mariah. Although designing a website is a process, we cannot wait to see what are mentees create!

Photo Credit: Mariah

Creating A Brand

Photo Credit: Mariah

On Saturday our mentees began with an ice breaker called “Guess that drawing”. It was hilarious to see all the shapes each person drew and to hear everyone’s guesses. We transitioned to the tables where our Mentorship Coordinator, Sandra, asked the mentees to visit her website and locate five words that helped them discover information about this brand. Each Mentee shared the words they found and what those words led them to believe was the the goal of Papelitos Lindos.

Our mentees then partnered up with one another to dream about how their brand will look and feel. We started with two groups. Group one developed the creative side of things when it comes to creating a brand such as: brand colors, fonts and styles. Group two started a conversation about the purpose of a mission statement and how to create one.

In the second set of groups, each mentee with a business idea was partnered up with another mentee who wanted to support their idea. The duo then designed a vision board for their brand. This board included: fonts, colors, brand names, and logos. Our mentees used iPads and Apple Pencils to sketch out their logos through Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, or hand drawing. We can’t wait to see all that our mentees design for their brands!

Photo Credit: Mariah

A Field Trip to Gente Fina

Photo Credit: Mariah

This last weekend, our mentees went on a field trip to Gente Fina, where they got the opportunity to ask the co-founders, Manny & Abraham, different questions about the creative field. They learned so many new things about creating a brand and what it takes to start. Niches, vendors, manufacturers, money, ideas, and networking were all mentioned throughout this dialogue. We cannot wait to partner with them again soon!

After we got back to the firehouse, Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, assisted our mentees in digitizing their work into Adobe Illustrator. Illustrator is a very long process to learn but in the end it is all worth it. It is an amazing skillset to have and we love having Sandra to be able to pass on her knowledge to our mentees about this amazing software.

Photo Credit: Mariah

Building A Website

For the second half of today’s workshop, Jasmine led a mini lesson on how to build a website through Squarespace. The mentees learned how to create a website and design it based on what pertains to the business or organization they are building it for. The website designing process includes colors for the website, pictures they will use, the layout that the website will have and much more! It is a fun process and very easy to use. The mentees enjoyed the chance to see what they could potentially do for a website of their own!