
Our Last Day | Spring 2022 Mentorship

It’s here, our last day together. We are so proud of all that our mentees have accomplished throughout our 12 weeks together. It's sad to be at the end, but we are excited to see what our mentees do post-mentorship! On our last day, each mentee presented their brands to the rest of the group. Those who created websites showcased their finished sites explaining logos, color choices, photos, and when their websites will launch. Each person was then offered some advice and feedback to better their websites from our mentors and fellow mentees.

Once everyone presented their brands, we had mini graduation for our mentees. Each person was awarded a certificate of completion and the graduation song was sang via acapella from our staff and mentees. It was bitter-sweet to be here at this moment, but it was so much fun. We also recognized our staff that will be transitioning off. We want to thank Sandra, our Mentorship Coordinator, Mariah, our Mentorship Assistant, and Lu’Cretia, Our Creative Project Manager, for all that they have done for TFD.

Once everyone received their certificate, we stepped outside to hop into an Uber headed to Thai Time to celebrate an amazing cohort completion. Until next time friends!

Photo Credit: Mariah

Building A Website

For the second half of today’s workshop, Jasmine led a mini lesson on how to build a website through Squarespace. The mentees learned how to create a website and design it based on what pertains to the business or organization they are building it for. The website designing process includes colors for the website, pictures they will use, the layout that the website will have and much more! It is a fun process and very easy to use. The mentees enjoyed the chance to see what they could potentially do for a website of their own!

Creating a Website

Our friend and board member Karina came in to guide a workshop creating a website and an effective social media presence. Our mentees learned ways to use their social media platforms in order to effectively create a social media presence. Karina also taught our mentees how to create a website that is user friendly while still being appealing.

Thank so much Karina for coming in!