
Belief & Leadership

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

On Day 2 of mentorship, we had the opportunity to partner once again with @jaleelanthonytv for a Belief & Leadership workshop. It was so amazing to see how invested and engaged our mentees were. We love to see notebooks being filled up with knowledge learned from creatives we bring into the firehouse. Today, Jaleel discussed what leadership really means. His prompt LEADER helped the mentees reach deeper into their minds. LEADER represents, L- Love, E- Experience, A- Appreciate, D- Discipline, E- Environment, and R- Relationships. Discipline is something Jaleel heavily emphasized. Our mentees took home lots of new information and inspiration. We can’t wait for them to learn more throughout these next 12 weeks.

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

Next Steps, New Development

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

In mentorship this past Wednesday, our mentees have taken additional steps towards completing their brands. They have awakened their creative senses and are working towards their visions. The mentees have learned all of the necessary skills in order to complete their brand’s tasks. They are highly motivated and show new determination and persistence. We are so excited for our young adults and the growth they have shown, as well as the wonderful ideas they have come up with. These last few weeks have been filled with excitement and imagination. We are loving every second of it and are having a blast guiding our mentees through a thrilling experience like this! Our mentees can’t wait to share what they are doing and show everything they have learned! Their next steps will be shared soon!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Thanksgiving Meal Giveaway & Prayer Walk

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

This past Saturday, Impact Church hosted their monthly prayer walk, as well as Thanksgiving meal giveaway near the Maywood Peace Garden on 17th & Madison. Impact Church does this prayer walk every month at different locations to pray over the community of Maywood for growth and a successful, healthy future. It is a very important part of what the church aspires to do to help their community and to support people within. TFD sent out Mya Rose and Saffron to document this through photo and help support the community. This prayer walk was a little different since they also had a food giveaway. They provided food and supplies that can help families for the upcoming holiday. They had a great turn out and were able to provide for so many people within Maywood. Even with the cold weather, everyone was bundled up and ready to help their community as well as being there for those in need. We can’t wait to join them for the next one!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose & Saffron Hurt

Building A Website

For the second half of today’s workshop, Jasmine led a mini lesson on how to build a website through Squarespace. The mentees learned how to create a website and design it based on what pertains to the business or organization they are building it for. The website designing process includes colors for the website, pictures they will use, the layout that the website will have and much more! It is a fun process and very easy to use. The mentees enjoyed the chance to see what they could potentially do for a website of their own!

Belief And Leadership


Photo Credit: Jasmine

For today’s workshop, the mentees had a guest speaker, Jaleel Anthony, who shared his inspirational story about how he wanted to make a difference and help to improve his community and assist the people in it. He also shared how setting goals are important and how to do so, as well as having a positive belief in yourself and your potential. The mentees enjoyed the opportunity to gain new knowledge from a fellow young adult from the community and how to become the best version of themselves. Be sure to follow Jaleel on IG: @jaleelanthonytv

Photo Credit: Jasmine