
Learning About Youtube

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

For a portion of last Saturday’s mentorship, our mentees were visited by Kevyn, or KevoNobody, to learn about YouTube. Kevyn was in our summer mentorship and is the second past mentee to lead a workshop here at TFD. He has a YouTube channel where he creates content about self-discovery in an entertaining way.

Kevyn came out to teach our mentees about the creative process behind making YouTube content, as well as a bit of what editing looks like for something like this. The creative process he referred to is: An idea that calls, initiation (creating a plan and a script), the structure (the intro, good pacing, and flair!), and the execution. Once the video is completed, the next steps are creating an eye catching thumbnail and a title that works well with what the topic of the video is. It is also very important to add tags to your video with things that are relevant to the topic and including your channel name. When it comes to a cover photo for your YouTube page, you want to make sure the colors are on brand and represents you and your content well.

Kevyn then showed our mentees a video of his own as an example and ended with telling us anyone can do it! In the end, everyone learned so much and we are grateful to have the chance to support our past mentees and for them to come back and teach!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Investment Workshop

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Jason from Thrivent came to TFD to discuss financial wellness and investing with the mentees. He went over topics like, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, savings, Roth IRA, taxes, and much more! This was an exciting workshop for everyone since they all have a great interest in investments. Jason answered all of their questions and explained everything very well. He even gave each mentee a $2 bill as inspiration. Overall, everyone learned so much and we are grateful for the information we were provided.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Video Group Project

Photo Credit: Mentees

This workshop led by Jeremy, is a collaboration with the Quinn Center in highlighting stories of the seniors within the community. The Quinn Center is a community partner that TFD has the opportunity to collaborate with from time to time. The mentees learned how to prepare for a video shoot and interview. They also had the chance to film and lead the interviews themselves. One of the best ways to grow and learn is by doing, which the mentees did a lot of in this project. We can’t wait to share with you the completed project, and stories of our in our community!

Photo Credit: Mentees

Building A Website

For the second half of today’s workshop, Jasmine led a mini lesson on how to build a website through Squarespace. The mentees learned how to create a website and design it based on what pertains to the business or organization they are building it for. The website designing process includes colors for the website, pictures they will use, the layout that the website will have and much more! It is a fun process and very easy to use. The mentees enjoyed the chance to see what they could potentially do for a website of their own!

Podcasting: Diving Deeper

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

For the continuation of the podcast workshop led by Karina, the mentees dove deeper into the work it takes to create a podcast. They got a chance to record an intro and outro in a professional make-shift booth of our own. They had a lot of fun with this and created some really awesome ideas for a podcast! We hope to see where the mentees take this new knowledge and how it helps them to grow and expand on their great ideas.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose