
Mental Health Matters

On Monday night, TFD hosted a mental health meeting for Proviso District students. The purpose of this meeting was to hear out the students and to understand what they are going through due to recent events within the schools. They shared a little bit about what they are going through as a school and how the staff is handling these situations. We wanted to hear about the dynamic between students and administration and how we can be there to support them in any change they would like to see. It was an open discussion to share feelings and thoughts in a safe space and show that their are people here to support and help in whatever areas they made need.

This meeting was also to get some ideas of how TFD can implement a more permanent mental health aspect to its curriculum and what resources they would like to have available to them that TFD can provide. It was overall a great discussion with lots of information and we can’t wait to see where we can take this advice and how to help both now and in the future!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Learning About Youtube

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

For a portion of last Saturday’s mentorship, our mentees were visited by Kevyn, or KevoNobody, to learn about YouTube. Kevyn was in our summer mentorship and is the second past mentee to lead a workshop here at TFD. He has a YouTube channel where he creates content about self-discovery in an entertaining way.

Kevyn came out to teach our mentees about the creative process behind making YouTube content, as well as a bit of what editing looks like for something like this. The creative process he referred to is: An idea that calls, initiation (creating a plan and a script), the structure (the intro, good pacing, and flair!), and the execution. Once the video is completed, the next steps are creating an eye catching thumbnail and a title that works well with what the topic of the video is. It is also very important to add tags to your video with things that are relevant to the topic and including your channel name. When it comes to a cover photo for your YouTube page, you want to make sure the colors are on brand and represents you and your content well.

Kevyn then showed our mentees a video of his own as an example and ended with telling us anyone can do it! In the end, everyone learned so much and we are grateful to have the chance to support our past mentees and for them to come back and teach!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Financial Advice For Businesses

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

For mentorship yesterday, our mentees got a lesson about creative provision and financial advice from Jasmine. This discussion focused on mostly financial business advice. Jasmine discussed creating budgets, bartering services, different ways of making income, and preparing for the unexpected. After this portion, our mentees split up into their groups to work on their own businesses. They started to create logos and picking colors, as well as content and design creation. Our mentees had a lot of fun seeing all of the awesome things they can do! We can’t wait until their businesses and websites go live!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Social Media

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Today, Lu’Cretia from Girl Behind The Hustle, led a workshop for our mentees about social media. She discussed the logistics of running social media accounts for a brand and how to make it easier with other apps to schedule posts and help with the editing process. She also advised our mentees that video is a main way to connect with your audience. Our mentees got to do some research for their own brands and learned how the process of creating a business goes when it comes to social media. LC had a lot of great advice to give our young adults and was very helpful in showing them creative ways to elevate their own brands. Our mentees learned a lot and we hope to work with Lu’Cretia again soon!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Healthy Relationships

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

What is a healthy relationship to you? Erika Perez led a workshop on this topic for our mentees today. They discussed how a relationship is not limited to a romantic relationship but can also apply to family, friends, etc. It is important to know the signs of a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship so we don’t end up in a bad situation but rather a healthy growing relationship that has a positive impact on a person’s life. In relationships, it is essential to take things step by step. Making sure to be there to listen to the other person’s boundaries, wants, and needs will help to evolve the relationship and make sure that everyone is comfortable. Trust is also a big need when it comes to relationships because without trust you cannot truly connect with someone. Mariah made a TikTok to ask our mentees before and after what their thoughts were on a healthy relationship so check that out to hear what they said!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose