youth motivation

Adulting 101 | Budgeting

For our second session, Jasmine Lopez, our Co-Founder and Executive Director, led the Adulting 101 youth cohort through all things budgeting. First, Jasmine talked about categorizing the youth’s finances through PocketGaurd, a budgeting app, or Google spreadsheets. After, Jasmine said although it may be hard to look at your spending habits, it is good to start seeing where you spend more or less which would help them create their budgets. Right after, Jasmine started helping everyone create their own budgets. Then, with whatever money was left over for savings, Jasmine helped create a plan for saving toward those dreams that were previously identified in the money-healing workshop.

Thank you Jasmine for leading the first half of our first Adulting 101 cohort. Your knowledge and grace will continue to impact our community.

Adulting 101 | Money Healing

One of TFD’s pillars to complete our mission is education about financial wellness. In a community where 26k is our average income, we want to create opportunities for youth to learn good financial habits now to achieve financial freedom in the future. Along with this goal, we asked our youth what they wanted to learn before starting adulthood. Hence, Adulting 101 was started.

This workshop, Jasmine Lopez, Co-founder and Executive Director led the youth through a money-healing workshop. The purpose was to reframe your thoughts about money in order to achieve “limitless dreaming”. Jasmine talked about creative provision as well, which is using resources around you and faith that one day you will receive what you wish for. Then, the youth made limitless goals of what they wanted. Some stated traveling, building their own business, and living in beautiful houses. Check out the pictures below for the full story!

Thank you so much Jasmine for continuing to be vulnerable with your story to show others and our youth how success is anything you put your mind to.

Healthy Relationships

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

What is a healthy relationship to you? Erika Perez led a workshop on this topic for our mentees today. They discussed how a relationship is not limited to a romantic relationship but can also apply to family, friends, etc. It is important to know the signs of a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship so we don’t end up in a bad situation but rather a healthy growing relationship that has a positive impact on a person’s life. In relationships, it is essential to take things step by step. Making sure to be there to listen to the other person’s boundaries, wants, and needs will help to evolve the relationship and make sure that everyone is comfortable. Trust is also a big need when it comes to relationships because without trust you cannot truly connect with someone. Mariah made a TikTok to ask our mentees before and after what their thoughts were on a healthy relationship so check that out to hear what they said!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Group Project Mentee Headshots

During our summer mentorship we were able to really dig in deep in learning how to take headshots! They were divided up into groups and had the opportunity to creatively photograph one another! Our Executive Director Jasmine Lopez led this workshop and taught the mentees how to direct people during a photo shoot.

Thank you Jasmine!

Photo Credit: Kevyn, Tysherra, Jasmyn Scavella, Houmam Kassar, Mya Frank,

Creating a Website

Our friend and board member Karina came in to guide a workshop creating a website and an effective social media presence. Our mentees learned ways to use their social media platforms in order to effectively create a social media presence. Karina also taught our mentees how to create a website that is user friendly while still being appealing.

Thank so much Karina for coming in!