Youth Programs

Black and Brown Solidarity | Creative Dreaming, Second Session

We hosted our second creative dreaming session last night on black and brown solidarity. After dinner, we opened up with reminders of our values on what creates a safe space. The youth then answered some of our reflection questions on black and brown communities, some of the biases we may have, and what we can learn from them. Then we continued building on ideas and topics we came up with last session. For inspiration, Maya showed the youth some of the past creative projects TFD has done. Each youth took one topic we came up with last time and brainstormed some creative projects that related to the topic. After, they shared their ideas and commented on others they found interesting.

Thank you so much to everyone who came yesterday! We are still looking for more youth who are passionate about black and brown solidarity. Contact Maya (maya@thefirehousedream.orga) for more information. Our last dreaming session is March 6th, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.

Adulting 101 | Money Healing

One of TFD’s pillars to complete our mission is education about financial wellness. In a community where 26k is our average income, we want to create opportunities for youth to learn good financial habits now to achieve financial freedom in the future. Along with this goal, we asked our youth what they wanted to learn before starting adulthood. Hence, Adulting 101 was started.

This workshop, Jasmine Lopez, Co-founder and Executive Director led the youth through a money-healing workshop. The purpose was to reframe your thoughts about money in order to achieve “limitless dreaming”. Jasmine talked about creative provision as well, which is using resources around you and faith that one day you will receive what you wish for. Then, the youth made limitless goals of what they wanted. Some stated traveling, building their own business, and living in beautiful houses. Check out the pictures below for the full story!

Thank you so much Jasmine for continuing to be vulnerable with your story to show others and our youth how success is anything you put your mind to.

Investment Workshop

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Jason from Thrivent came to TFD to discuss financial wellness and investing with the mentees. He went over topics like, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, savings, Roth IRA, taxes, and much more! This was an exciting workshop for everyone since they all have a great interest in investments. Jason answered all of their questions and explained everything very well. He even gave each mentee a $2 bill as inspiration. Overall, everyone learned so much and we are grateful for the information we were provided.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Maywoodian Families | Hernandez-Franco


Photo Credit: Jasmyn Scavella

How Long Have You Lived In Maywood?:

21 Years

What Are You Loving About Maywood?:

Centralized Area, lots of potential. Community outreach

Favorite Memory?:

Discovering my church St. Eulalia

What Opportunities Has Maywood Brought To Your Family?:

My sons went to PMSA, lots of community services opportunities

What Hopes Do You Have For Your Maywood Community?:

Community development, community beautification, safety initiatives

What Is Something That Your Family Enjoys Doing?:


Photo Credit: Jasmyn Scavella, Mya Frank, Suha Kassar, Cristal Andrade, Houmam Kassar