
Adulting 101 | Roth IRA

For our last workshop for Adulting 101, we met with Mariel of Money for Mujeres. Mariel first led us through an introduction on investing. Specifically, what is investing and why is it different than saving. Our young adults learned the different types of investments; Stocks, Index Funds and Bonds. They learned which type would be best to start building wealth. They also learned the different types of IRA’s and which are best for your income and investing habits.

After Investing 101, the young adults opened up their accounts! We had two young adults successfuly open up their Roth IRA and started to invest. Thank you Mariel for teaching our young adults the importance of investing and helping them build their wealth!

Investment Workshop

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Jason from Thrivent came to TFD to discuss financial wellness and investing with the mentees. He went over topics like, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, savings, Roth IRA, taxes, and much more! This was an exciting workshop for everyone since they all have a great interest in investments. Jason answered all of their questions and explained everything very well. He even gave each mentee a $2 bill as inspiration. Overall, everyone learned so much and we are grateful for the information we were provided.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose