Summer Mentorship

Houmam Kassar | One Year Later

Video Credit: Kevyn Tapia

Houmam Kassar is an almuni of our Summer ‘21 cohort! He enjoyed learning how a nonprofit is ran and enjoyed the small joyful moments from his mentorship. Houmam also talks about how he has learned the importance of networking. One year later, he is beginning his journey into college at St. Mary’s University to study business anylytics and play soccer! We are so proud of him and can wait to see what he accomplishes! Go Houmam!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose & Suha Kassar

Four Projects

We’re so excited to share the four projects that our Summer Mentees were able to accomplish during our 6 week mentorship program.

1. The Quinn Center


Our Summer Mentees were able to photograph children at The Quinn Centers annual summer camp this year, they put to use all of the skills they learned throughout the 6 week Mentorship.

2. Maywoodian Families


A group of five mentees photographed families who live in Maywood, as well as made a blog post about each individual family and their story of how they came to Maywood.

3. Video | Food Desert Conversation

Another group of five mentees created, shot, planned, and edited a podcast video talking about the challenges our community faces.

4. Individual Headshots


Our Summer Mentees teamed up to photograph headshots of each other. They utilized their skills that they learned throughout the 6 week mentorship cohort.

Part 1 | Part 2

Group Project | Food Desert Conversation

A team of five mentees from our summer Mentorship Cohort did a group project on some of the challenges our community faces. In this video/podcast episode, they talked about Maywood being a food desert, as well as what environmental racism is. This podcast was shot, edited, and planned out completely by this group of mentees, with the guidance of Jeremy, a co-founder of The Firehouse Dream who volunteered his time to support this amazing group of young adults. Additionally, Karina, who is the owner of Elevating La Cultura podcast, shared all her tips on how to create, plan, and launch a podcast.

Maywoodian Families | Wellington Family

Photo Credit: Jasmine Lopez

Photo Credit: Jasmine Lopez

How long have you lived in Maywood?:

Since 2000. My husband was born and raised here.

What are you loving about Maywood?: 

My Son attended the same neighborhood school his Dad did. He was able to walk to the neighborhood school and have friends in his neighborhood.

Favorite memory in Maywood?:  

Coming home from Afghanistan and seeing the yellow ribbons tied to each tree on our block.

What opportunities has Maywood brought to your family?: 

To grow as a family. For 2 years, my Son lived in his father's childhood home. The same home I moved into when we got married in 2000. We later purchased our own home in Maywood.

What hopes do you have for your Maywood community?:

Change and progression. Clean blocks, safe environment for my Son to navigate through without me being worried. To mention Maywood with pride as there is so much rich history here.

What is something that your family enjoys doing together?:

Sitting in the backyard/garage enjoying our home.

Photo Credit: Jasmine Lopez