teen internship

Film Workshop | Production Day

Today the Interns worked with own Co-Founder and Board Member, Jeremy Lopez on all things film! Mariah, one of our Interns, had an opportunity to submit a scholarship video to her cosmetology school for two thousand dollars! The video features Mariah’s cosmetology dreams, but also many of our Interns first ever film shots! Thank you Jeremy for helping Mariah and teaching the Interns film!

Thank you Maya Hill, one of our Interns, for taking wonderful behind the scenes pictures!

Writing Workshop

Jessica led the Interns through a writing workshop about personal narratives. We learned about the power of our stories and how to craft them through different activities. In one of our activities, we all wrote a story based on our different ideas and sentences. We would all pass around a paper with a short sentence and try to make a story out of it. Thank you Jessica.

Thank so much Jessica Rivera, another one of our interns, for taking these pictures.



I’m excited to introduce you to Amanda! She has a dream of starting her own handlettering business! So during one of our internship days, she practiced photographing her own work for content. Below are a few samples of her photos! Amanda, we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see where your calligraphy business goes!


Today our friend and board member, Deon, led us through a workshop called Brand Positioning. It was an amazing workshop where our interns got to hear from someone who owns a Brand Agency, and to hear his thoughts on what it means to position our brands in a way that stands out!

Thanks so much Deon for leading us through your workshop!