recent projects

D209 Student Walk-out

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Our D209 teachers have been working without contract and after many failed attempts in reaching an agreement with the PTU, our D209 teachers have put in a strike date for Friday, Feb 18th. After our monthly school board meeting yesterday, our students felt ignored when sharing their concerns, so today they decided to do a walk-out in support of their teachers advocating for a fair contract and to see a change with their schools.

Each school’s walk out looked differently. We weren’t able to make it to East’s today but we did make it to PMSA’s. After chatting with several PMSA students it came out that they were hoping to make their presence known on the 5th floor. However, they were met with locked doors and security. So instead they opted to walkout of the school, to then again be met with locked doors. Someone ended up pulling a fire alarm, forcing everyone in the building to exit. It was an opportunity for the students to showcase their love and support for their teachers.

As an organization we fully support our youth and the ways they choose to have their voices amplified. We don’t sit on any side, but any opportunity that allows for our students voices centered we are for.

Photo Credit: Mya Rose & Jasmine

Learning The Basics | Photography 101

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Week 2 of mentorship has started and we dove right into photography. We talked about the 3 ways to control light through ISO, aperture and shutter. We also talked about, as photographers, how to approach our photoshoots by asking ourselves 3 questions:

  1. What is the story I’m trying to tell?

  2. Where is my best light?

  3. How can I tell that story creatively?

Everyone got accustomed to learning their settings rather quickly. We are excited to dive in deeper over the next 2 weeks. We will be share more as we go on, so be sure to come back soon!

Photo Credit: Mariah Julianna

Building Cities | Alt Chicago

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

On Saturday February 12th, our mentees reimagined their communities with Jon from Alt Chicago. The mentees were given three different prompts and building blocks to reimagine and rebuild a new society. They were split in two groups of 5 where they had amazing dialogue about recreating our communities, justice system, and health care system. Each group focused on ways to recreate a better world by providing resources and dismantling the current systems that are in place. When reimagining communities, mentees provided them with equitable and sustainable resources to end food deserts, bring awareness and multiple buildings dedicated to mental health services, and the arts.

Towards the end of our day with Alt Chicago, our mentees sat and shared a meal and constructive dialogue on the issues within BIPOC communities and how Alt Chicago’s mission is to serve as a liaison between communities and opportunities, an ambassador for the neighborhoods they serve and a connector between partners, bringing intentionality to every step in the process.

Our time at Alt Chicago was a a great way to see how our youth can serve as liaison between communities and opportunities. We can’t wait to partner with them again!

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

Journaling Session

Photo Credit: @_mariah_julianna_

It is important to dream, have hopes, and write down your goals. Today, our mentees learned the importance of journaling & storytelling. They wrote down the things that can sometimes pass through our minds. Every day we have success, but do you celebrate that success? Our workshop’s purpose was to teach gratitude for success, even if it is the smallest thing you succeeded in. Here are some of the topics our mentees were happy to be celebrating: “I am becoming more confident” and “I normally do not talk loud at school, but I notice myself starting to”.

Our mentees also were challenged with the idea of storytelling. They were asked, what is the story that they want to create about themselves? Every aspect of our lives become part of our story and who we are, so how can you shape that to be what you envision for yourself? We are so happy to hear all the things we can celebrate with our mentees, and grateful for another successful day of mentorship!

Photo Credit: @mariah_julianna_

Belief & Leadership

Photo Credit: @amieisfan

On Day 2 of mentorship, we had the opportunity to partner once again with @jaleelanthonytv for a Belief & Leadership workshop. It was so amazing to see how invested and engaged our mentees were. We love to see notebooks being filled up with knowledge learned from creatives we bring into the firehouse. Today, Jaleel discussed what leadership really means. His prompt LEADER helped the mentees reach deeper into their minds. LEADER represents, L- Love, E- Experience, A- Appreciate, D- Discipline, E- Environment, and R- Relationships. Discipline is something Jaleel heavily emphasized. Our mentees took home lots of new information and inspiration. We can’t wait for them to learn more throughout these next 12 weeks.

Photo Credit: @amieisfan