brand creation

Building A Brand

Everyone knows of someone who owns their own brand but have you ever thought about how they formed it? We just started our fifth week of mentorship that all about branding. Our board President Deon Bonaparte of Agency Evolve, led his 4th workshop with TFD on “How To Build A Brand".” Deon went over the steps on how to build your brand with three steps: build the foundation, brand strategy, and a business plan. The most important information that our mentees learned was to clearly articulate what they want their brand to be, look like, and feel. Deon left the mentees with a quote from Walt Disney. “Walt Disney was asked, “How do you feel on your deathbed knowing that you will not be able to see Disney world come to life?” Walt Disney replied “I already have”. You need to understand your brand before you start it.” We are so appreciative of our Board president and cannot wait to welcome him back during our Summer mentorship!

Photo Credit: Mariah

Working Towards Goals

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Our mentees are getting closer each day to completing their brands. Today, they worked on their website design through Squarespace. They planned how it will be laid out, as well as incorporating colors that represent their brand. The Mentees have made so much great progress and we are very proud! Some have even completed orders for samples of their products. We also helped guide them in how to print stickers and cut them out. Brand creation is a long process with a lot of hard work but they have been pushing through! The next steps would be taking photos of their products and headshots to use on their websites and throughout social media, then completing their websites!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose