
Budgeting Workshop

Budgeting is a huge topic that most people don’t touch upon until they are older and here at The Firehouse Dream we value teaching our mentees key life skills such as budgeting. Jasmine our executive director got our mentees thinking about how they want to value the money they earn.

Thank you Jasmine for showing our mentees an essential skill!

Wordmarking 101

Our mentees learned how to create workmarks on Adobe Illustrator and they were able to create their own wordmarks! The mentees had fun creating and exploring their personal style in wordmarking. Carlos did an amazing job explaining the importance of wordmarking has in any industry.

Thank you Carlos for leading this workshop!


During this workshop the mentees were led by our friend and board member Deon. The mentees were able to learn directly from someone who owns a Brand Agency and they were taught about the importance/impact that branding has in our everyday lives. Deon showed the mentees effective ways on how to create a brand that stands out!

Thank you Deon for coming in and leading an amazing workshop!

Film Workshop | Production Day

Today the Interns worked with own Co-Founder and Board Member, Jeremy Lopez on all things film! Mariah, one of our Interns, had an opportunity to submit a scholarship video to her cosmetology school for two thousand dollars! The video features Mariah’s cosmetology dreams, but also many of our Interns first ever film shots! Thank you Jeremy for helping Mariah and teaching the Interns film!

Thank you Maya Hill, one of our Interns, for taking wonderful behind the scenes pictures!