Peace Garden Cleanup

The Interns put their photography and film skills to the test at Maywood’s Peace Garden, created by Barbra Cole. They captured the hard work of the community as they worked to restore the Peace Garden for summer. The Interns also tracked the progress of a potential mural collaboration with the Firehouse! Thank you Ms. Cole for the invitation!

Thank you Mariah, our Intern, for taking these magnificent pictures!



I’m excited to introduce you to Amanda! She has a dream of starting her own handlettering business! So during one of our internship days, she practiced photographing her own work for content. Below are a few samples of her photos! Amanda, we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see where your calligraphy business goes!


Today our interns were able to put into practice all that they’ve been learning so far. Photography and social media! Knowing these 2 skills is vital in today’s society…especially when it comes to building one’s brand. Today we partnered with our food coalition to document our monthly food distribution.

I can’t believe today was our one year anniversary since we started this food coalition, and to date we’ve been able to provide over 30k meals to our neighbors. How amazing is that?!?

Check out some behind the scenes of our interns in action:

The gallery below are photos taken by Ross one of our interns. He also edited them in Lightroom. It’s amazing to see all of the growth our interns are already experiencing!


Today our friend and board member, Deon, led us through a workshop called Brand Positioning. It was an amazing workshop where our interns got to hear from someone who owns a Brand Agency, and to hear his thoughts on what it means to position our brands in a way that stands out!

Thanks so much Deon for leading us through your workshop!