
Black and Brown Solidarity | Creative Dreaming

We recently received a grant from Healing Illinois that allows us to create programming to amplify black and brown voices. Specifically, we are working toward how can we bridge this gap in our community. Through storytelling, creativity, and trust, we plan on working as a community to bring more light to Maywood and Proviso. Our young adults were passionate and well-spoken about the issues they face in Proviso. We held this session for out youth to use creativity and tying in the topics of black and brown experiences.

Thanks to the youth who came out today! If you know any one interested, our next dreaming session is February 21st, 6:30 Pm to 8:00. Participants must identify as a black or brown ethnicity and come from Proviso schools. Email for more info!

Boundaries at PMSA Mental Health Club

This week, Remona of Inellas Restoration Center led the PMSA Mental Health Club through a boundaries workshop. The students did an exercise were they stood up every time they agreed or disagreed with a prompt. The purpose was to show the students how boundaries are based on personal perspective and we should respect others. It is important to build that mutual respect so their is room for understanding when someone’s boundaries may differ from another.

Additionally, WGN News was following Inellas Restoration Center for the day, so the students and TFD will be featured along with Inellas! We are so excited for Remona and this oppurtunity!

Vulnerability at PMSA Mental Health Club

This week, we were back at PMSA’s Mental Health Club! Chris Chambliss of the Nehemiah Community Project held a conversation on vulnerability. He explained the importance of vulnerability not only within relationships, but the importance of being vulnerable with yourself and being honest of your healing and capacity.

We are so excited to continue our mental health workshops directly with the students. Thank you Chris and PMSA for partnering with us!

Treadmill Mentality x The Firehouse Dream | WinterWonderland and Giveaway

Treadmill Mentality is a nonprofit created by Jevon Carter, and his partner Taylor. For this holiday season, Jevon and Taylor wanted to give back to Maywood, where Jevon was born and raised. They partnered with us, The Firehouse Dream to host a WinterWonderland and gift giveaway. There were games, a hot chocolate bar, food, and crafts. Families were invited to create crafts together and at the end, each youth of the family was able to pick out three gifts. Overall, about 100 families were in attendance throughout the night. Additionally, all the vendors were based in the Proviso district. Our hearts were so full to see our community members together and their families. Thank you to Treadmill Mentality for putting this event together!

Art Therapy at PMSA Mental Health Club

We are so excited to continue offering our programming through mental health club at PMSA. This month, Dana of Paint on Purpose led art therapy for the students. This session, the students painted cacti to resemble growth and purpose. Cacti are able to grow in harsh conditions even without water. Dana created this piece to resemble the how we are always working to a goal and we can still achieve growth even during hard time.

Thank you Dana for extending your resources to the PMSA students and thank you to the students for your participation!