proviso west

Proviso West Freshman Orientation Mental Health Kit Giveaway

We are back and giving away more mental health kits! This week, we visited Proviso West for their Freshman Orientation. Jessica and Maya were so excited to connect with new students and tell them more about the Firehouse Dream! We thought this would be a great opportunity to give out the kits as the freshman entered high school. At this event, we gave away 63 mental health kits! We are excited to see what this school year brings.

Proviso West | Mental Health Kit Giveaway

Last week we visited Proviso West High School to give away another batch of mental health kits. It was out first time here and the students came with energy! We were able to give 243 kits away to Proviso West students. Our running total is now at 918 mental health kits given away to Proviso district youth. We are almost at our semester goal of 1,000.

As the staff helped give away kits, Maya interviewed some students about their mental health stories. In honor of mental health awareness month, we will be posting each day in May. Check out our Instagram for the full interviews!

Something I learned...

On the last day of summer mentorship, we asked each mention to share something they enjoyed learning. We love their replies and wanted to share them with you! Be sure to check the photo to watch the video.

Photo by summer mentee: Cristal Andrade