mental health awareness month

PMSA Mental Health Kit Giveaway

Last Thursday, we continued to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by hosting a mental health kit giveaway at PMSA. This season, we downgraded to smaller kits but with all the same contents! The kits still contain multiple fidgets, smaller journals, journal prompts, digital mental health resource cards, feelings wheel, and pens. This time, we gave away 150+ kits away at PMSA. We were so excited to see the students still passionate about our kits and mental health. As we gave away kits, we did some interviews with students about what mental health means to them. Look out on our Instagram for the full videos.

PMSA Mental Health Club Celebration

As the school year comes to a close, we finished our last mental health club with a celebration! All the students were invited to reflect and eat pizza. We learned their favorite workshops, key takeaways, and what we could do next school year. We finished up with a celebratory presentation of all the pictures we had taken throughout the year.

Thank you to the PMSA students, Ms. Gart, and our community partners for joining us this school year. We are so excited for what’s to come next semester.

Community Talk: Vulnerability for Men

This week we hosted our last community talks for this season. Chris Chambliss of The Nehemiah Community Project held space for men to talk about the importance of vulnerability. He communicated the importance of being vulnerability, especially with other men. Mens mental health is very important, as there is a stigma associated and it is not talked about often.

Thank you Chris and to those who participated!

Progress Over Perfection at PMSA Mental Health Club

Another successful week with PMSA’s Mental Health Club! This week, Sarah of Yo Soy Ella, talked with the students on the importance of progress rather than perfection. Especially as students, many can struggle with perfection through academics. Sarah shared the challenges that perfection can take. With a mindset shift, she shared how we can see value in our progress. Sarah is always amazing at connecting with our students.

Thank you Sarah and our participants for coming out! We are so excited to come back next semester with new workshops!

Proviso West | Mental Health Kit Giveaway

Wow, its already our last giveaway for the fall semester! This week, we went to Proviso West to hand out mental health kits. We were able to hand out many kits to incoming freshmen this time. It was exciting to hear that some students had heard about us prior to the giveaway. Additionally, we were able to give kits away to those students who did not get one last time. The students who did get one last time shared how they were using their kits. We loved to hear the support from students and staff.

This time, we handed out 141 kits to students today. Our running total is now at almost 1,400 kits given away!