
PMSA Mental Health Kit Giveaway

Last Thursday, we continued to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by hosting a mental health kit giveaway at PMSA. This season, we downgraded to smaller kits but with all the same contents! The kits still contain multiple fidgets, smaller journals, journal prompts, digital mental health resource cards, feelings wheel, and pens. This time, we gave away 150+ kits away at PMSA. We were so excited to see the students still passionate about our kits and mental health. As we gave away kits, we did some interviews with students about what mental health means to them. Look out on our Instagram for the full videos.

Identity Frustrations and Expectations at PMSA's Mental Health Club

This week, we were back at PMSA’s mental health club with Sarah of Yo Soy Ella. You may recognize Sarah from our group therapy sessions as well as her Progress over Perfection workshop. In this session, Sarah focused on identity and how individualism matters. During these times, it may be hard to find your authentic self with the stress of family, peers, teachers, you name it! Sarah made sure to name that stress and attach the complications. The students were able to share freely what their identity frustrations look like. Overall, the students continue to make a safe space with one another.

Thanks, Sarah, for leading a necessary conversation!

Team Building at PMSA's Mental Health Club

This week, we were back at PMSA again! We have been loving the relationships we built with PMSA’s mental health club. The students are supportive and receptive to the workshops we bring. For this week, Clarybelle of A Beautiful Project led the students through team-building exercises. First, the students started with a check-in and to meet Clarybelle. Then they started playing puzzling games that required teamwork to accomplish. They walked around the classrooms timing their steps to work with others and played hand games with one another. One of the final activities was to write negative or intrusive thoughts the students had about themselves. They would build up a tower with these cups and knock it down after. They finished with some positive thoughts about themselves and one another.

Thank you Clarybelle for leading such an engaging workshop! We will be back at PMSA for a storytelling workshop led by Jasmine, on February 21st. See you soon!

Treadmill Mentality x The Firehouse Dream | WinterWonderland and Giveaway

Treadmill Mentality is a nonprofit created by Jevon Carter, and his partner Taylor. For this holiday season, Jevon and Taylor wanted to give back to Maywood, where Jevon was born and raised. They partnered with us, The Firehouse Dream to host a WinterWonderland and gift giveaway. There were games, a hot chocolate bar, food, and crafts. Families were invited to create crafts together and at the end, each youth of the family was able to pick out three gifts. Overall, about 100 families were in attendance throughout the night. Additionally, all the vendors were based in the Proviso district. Our hearts were so full to see our community members together and their families. Thank you to Treadmill Mentality for putting this event together!