proviso math and science academy

Boundaries at PMSA Mental Health Club

This week, Remona of Inellas Restoration Center led the PMSA Mental Health Club through a boundaries workshop. The students did an exercise were they stood up every time they agreed or disagreed with a prompt. The purpose was to show the students how boundaries are based on personal perspective and we should respect others. It is important to build that mutual respect so their is room for understanding when someone’s boundaries may differ from another.

Additionally, WGN News was following Inellas Restoration Center for the day, so the students and TFD will be featured along with Inellas! We are so excited for Remona and this oppurtunity!

Vulnerability at PMSA Mental Health Club

This week, we were back at PMSA’s Mental Health Club! Chris Chambliss of the Nehemiah Community Project held a conversation on vulnerability. He explained the importance of vulnerability not only within relationships, but the importance of being vulnerable with yourself and being honest of your healing and capacity.

We are so excited to continue our mental health workshops directly with the students. Thank you Chris and PMSA for partnering with us!

PMSA | Mental Health Kit Giveaway

This week we went over to PMSA to hand out our mental health kits! We were so excited, as this is our first giveaway with our new bags. Although these bags still contain the same content, we now have a beige bag with black lettering than our first round with our black bags and white lettering. We were so grateful to hear how students are enjoying their kits. The fidgets continue to be a huge hit!

We handing out 100 kits to PMSA students. Our running total is now at 1,281 kits given away to Proviso students!