
Making Big Moves

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Our mentees are nearly to the end of their brand creation! We have a few mentees creating clothing brands and some have received their products! They turned out great and everyone is so excited to photograph their products over the weekend! This is a major development for the mentees and TFD is so proud to help them reach their goals. Most websites are completed other than the photos that will be completed Saturday morning. Big moves and hard work has been put into these great ideas and are now becoming a reality. The mentees can’t wait to share what they have created!

Content Creating & Collaboration

Today in mentorship, TFD was visited by Mylene to discuss content creating, as well as collaboration with other brands. Mylene is an interior designer who also has a big presence on social media. She talked with our mentees about various aspects of creating content. For example, having pillars of what your brand stands for, how to entice your audience, storytelling, and how to use things like hashtags to help build your brand. When it comes to the pillars of a brand, you always want to stay true to those things and to bring them out in every aspect of what you do. Another key point Mylene discussed was building community instead of competition and ways to do that. She went over things like hashtags either created by you or others and connecting with other brands this way. Mylene also shared that when giving a pitch, you want to keep it short and sweet, getting to the point and making connections the best you can while still being captivating. Our mentees learned a lot and we are grateful to have Mylene teach us these things!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Working Towards Goals

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Our mentees are getting closer each day to completing their brands. Today, they worked on their website design through Squarespace. They planned how it will be laid out, as well as incorporating colors that represent their brand. The Mentees have made so much great progress and we are very proud! Some have even completed orders for samples of their products. We also helped guide them in how to print stickers and cut them out. Brand creation is a long process with a lot of hard work but they have been pushing through! The next steps would be taking photos of their products and headshots to use on their websites and throughout social media, then completing their websites!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Learning About Youtube

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

For a portion of last Saturday’s mentorship, our mentees were visited by Kevyn, or KevoNobody, to learn about YouTube. Kevyn was in our summer mentorship and is the second past mentee to lead a workshop here at TFD. He has a YouTube channel where he creates content about self-discovery in an entertaining way.

Kevyn came out to teach our mentees about the creative process behind making YouTube content, as well as a bit of what editing looks like for something like this. The creative process he referred to is: An idea that calls, initiation (creating a plan and a script), the structure (the intro, good pacing, and flair!), and the execution. Once the video is completed, the next steps are creating an eye catching thumbnail and a title that works well with what the topic of the video is. It is also very important to add tags to your video with things that are relevant to the topic and including your channel name. When it comes to a cover photo for your YouTube page, you want to make sure the colors are on brand and represents you and your content well.

Kevyn then showed our mentees a video of his own as an example and ended with telling us anyone can do it! In the end, everyone learned so much and we are grateful to have the chance to support our past mentees and for them to come back and teach!

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

Progress, Progress, Progress

Photo Credit: Mya Rose

This past Saturday, our mentees continued their work on their projects. They have been working hard the last few weeks to create their own brands, as well as new merch for TFD! This week they began creating their websites, ordering the clothing for the shops, turning their artwork digital and much more! Our mentees have made so much progress and are coming closer and closer to the end everyday. They will be sharing with everyone once they are done! You can continue to check in on our blog to keep up with their progress!

Photo Credit: Mariah & Mya Rose