
Milkshakes to Marketing

Have you tried the Milkshake app? Well, our mentees did on Saturday! Lu’Cretia, our Creative Project Manager, led a workshop with our mentees and each individual created a free mini website on their phones. After taking some time to design their websites, our Mentees shared their websites with one another. Milkshake is such a great and inexpensive tool for our Mentees to create a website that will benefit them as they create and build their brands.

Photo credit: Mariah

Understanding Your Brand

To start a brand, you need to understand the brand that you want to build. On Day 2 of marketing Lu’Cretia, our Creative Project Manager, initiated a dialogue with our mentees about how to better understand their potential brands. Different videos were played to demonstrate how different celebrities use their values to establish their brands. She discussed how Lil Nas X uses his platform to create music, but also partners with other brands, like Nike, to create products that target his audience.

Our Mentees created their own social media selfceare manifesto that included: what they want to gain from social media, how long they want to spend on each platform, and what they want to share on their platform. This workshop was a success and super informative!

Photo. Credit: Mariah

Intro To Marketing

Photo Credit: Mariah

Marketing is a big part of how brands and businesses take off. For the first day of week 6, Lu’Cretia, our Creative Project Manager and mentor to lead this workshop. Lu’Cretia went over all the basics of marketing. She engaged in a conversation with our mentees about what marketing is & what goes into it. She also taught them how to create ads for various businesses, all while staying on track with branding styles, colors, and fonts. It was fascinating to see our mentees work together as a team to create their ads for TFD.

Photo Credit: Mariah

Building A Brand

Everyone knows of someone who owns their own brand but have you ever thought about how they formed it? We just started our fifth week of mentorship that all about branding. Our board President Deon Bonaparte of Agency Evolve, led his 4th workshop with TFD on “How To Build A Brand".” Deon went over the steps on how to build your brand with three steps: build the foundation, brand strategy, and a business plan. The most important information that our mentees learned was to clearly articulate what they want their brand to be, look like, and feel. Deon left the mentees with a quote from Walt Disney. “Walt Disney was asked, “How do you feel on your deathbed knowing that you will not be able to see Disney world come to life?” Walt Disney replied “I already have”. You need to understand your brand before you start it.” We are so appreciative of our Board president and cannot wait to welcome him back during our Summer mentorship!

Photo Credit: Mariah

Videography Workshop

Photo Credit: Mariah

Our co-founder, Jeremy @je_remy_lopez, led videography workshops over the span of two days. Our mentees learned about Pre-production, Production, and Post-Production, as well as planned out their video project for the Fall. We are so excited to see what our mentees come up with. Follow us on Instagram at @thefirehousedream to see live behind the scenes!