Treadmill Mentality is a nonprofit created by Jevon Carter, and his partner Taylor. For this holiday season, Jevon and Taylor wanted to give back to Maywood, where Jevon was born and raised. They partnered with us, The Firehouse Dream to host a WinterWonderland and gift giveaway. There were games, a hot chocolate bar, food, and crafts. Families were invited to create crafts together and at the end, each youth of the family was able to pick out three gifts. Overall, about 100 families were in attendance throughout the night. Additionally, all the vendors were based in the Proviso district. Our hearts were so full to see our community members together and their families. Thank you to Treadmill Mentality for putting this event together!
Fall Photography with the Quinn Center
We are excited to wrap up our photography fall partnership with the Quinn Center of Maywood. Our youth who had gone through our programming continued their photography skills by capturing events at the Quinn Center. We are so grateful for the continuous partnership and opportunity. This fall, some young adults took pictures for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. See more pictures below of the different events! Thanks to the Quinn Center and our photographers, Adlemy, Saffron, and Tracy!
Healthy Relationships at PMSA Mental Health Club
This week, we had the pleasure of coming back to PMSA’s mental health club to offer more programming. For this session, we partnered with Remona of INellas Restoration Center to talk about healthy relationships. The students talked with Remona on what are healthy relationships, the types of relationships and their thoughts on what it takes to be in a healthy relationship. We are so grateful for the partnerships with local nonprofits we’ve been able to bring in for the students at PMSA
See you next semester!
Community Talk: Vulnerability for Men
This week we hosted our last community talks for this season. Chris Chambliss of The Nehemiah Community Project held space for men to talk about the importance of vulnerability. He communicated the importance of being vulnerability, especially with other men. Mens mental health is very important, as there is a stigma associated and it is not talked about often.
Thank you Chris and to those who participated!
Progress Over Perfection at PMSA Mental Health Club
Another successful week with PMSA’s Mental Health Club! This week, Sarah of Yo Soy Ella, talked with the students on the importance of progress rather than perfection. Especially as students, many can struggle with perfection through academics. Sarah shared the challenges that perfection can take. With a mindset shift, she shared how we can see value in our progress. Sarah is always amazing at connecting with our students.
Thank you Sarah and our participants for coming out! We are so excited to come back next semester with new workshops!